Infant teacher - shortlisted for TES Resource Contributor of the Year 2014 & 2015. All my resources have been made for my class, so have been tried and tested before uploading them to share with others. I hope you find my resources useful.
Infant teacher - shortlisted for TES Resource Contributor of the Year 2014 & 2015. All my resources have been made for my class, so have been tried and tested before uploading them to share with others. I hope you find my resources useful.
An emergent reading book designed for children learning consonant and vowel digraphs and trigraphs. Allows children to practise high frequency and tricky words. Includes information on most common superheroes: Spiderman, Superman, Wolverine, Iron Man, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Thor, The Hulk, Batman and Robin.
A short PowerPoint to introduce comic strips to children. Looking at the different features such as caption boxes, speech bubbles, thought bubbles, action words. Links well with the topic of Superheroes.
F2 Reception medium term plan on plants and animals. PPt presentation. Linked to Leicester City SACRE RE unit, but encompasses RE, PSED, CL, UW. Content covers planting seeds, why humans needs plants and animals, life cycles and Easter.
A b/w image of a bottle with a b/w treasure map inside. Role-play, literacy writing inspiration... I am planning to roll and tie up with string so children can discover!
Worksheet with long-winded instructions on how to play a board game. Children to re-write the short and clear instruction underneath, ensuring it begins with a bossy (imperative) verb.
Can be easily differentiated for your children's needs.
Introduction to space topic and letter writing.
Letter format for studying how a letter is written.
Encouraging independent letter writing from an imaginery setting.
SSEHV stands for Sathya Sai Education through Human Values, a PSED teaching method in many schools. Based on core human values of Love, Peace, Truth, Non Violence and Right Conduct.
The SSEHV lesson brings on various elements - a quotation to talk about, a warm-up game, a silent sitting/meditation, a story and discussion/questions, a song, and then a game or activity.
This lesson plan has been put together to focus on non-violence, and basic respect of similarities and differences, and what we can learn from the peace loving plant eating dinosaurs.
A lesson starter/intro to the story of The Three Little Pigs &/or Homes topic. Loosely based on Through the Keyhole. Use the spotlight tool in ActivPrimary on the image pages to give the children thinking time.
3 different categories: best in show, agility (obstacle course/tricks) and obedience. Certificates made for 1st, 2nd and 3rd, so can bring in ordinal numbers.
I will also be uploading a generic participation certificate, so everyone gets something for joining in!
Designed for use at circle time/carpet time.
A set of 5 questions describing 5 different zoo animals. Each question is made up of 3 hints, each getting easier.
Could differentiate for younger children by displaying images/toys of the animals while they are listening to the questions/hints.
This resource was inspired by Sorting Sprinkles blog - zoo week for pre-schoolers 2.
A word mat to write instructions on how to make a straw rocket launcher. Set out into V, C, O & P sections. Also contains butterbeer & Ilovemarmite's VCOP superheroes.
Two different pictures of hearts to be cut up and put back together. Suggestions of simple random acts of kindness they could do. Also a blank heart template for children to create their own ideas.
2 pages designed to be folded into a bottom opening card. Plant pot image on the front, where the riddle is written, and a line for 'I am a ...' and a box for a picture of the minibeast (that could also be labelled as an extension task!)